Anaconda is a Python Data Science platform. includes essential data science libraries and tools as a distribution. It is good for both advanced and beginner use of programming. Anaconda also have the R environment so that you can install R-Base and R Studio with Anaconda distribution easily.

We will use Anaconda Python 3.x distributions. So be sure that you have downloaded Anaconda Python 3 distribution. If you are not sure about installing 64-bit or 32-bit, first try to install 64-bit version.

You can download Anaconda for Windows, Linux and MacOS. After you have installed the Python 3.x version Jupyter Notebook, Spyder IDE and necessary libraries will be installed.

After you have installed the Anaconda open the Anaconda Navigator.


At the Home section you can install Rstudio by clicking on Install as highlighted above. You can launch Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, RStudio from Home section.

When you click on the Environments section you will find the Python environments. As explained above Anaconda can be used by both advanced and beginner users. Currently, we will be working only with the root environment. So we will not have any work with the Environment section.

You can open the Anaconda Prompt from the Environment section as shown below:

If you have any problem related with the installation please use Ninova to ask questions.