Defining Symbolic Expressions

  • Matlab has a symbolic math ability. Rather than making calculations on known numbers, we can make calculations on symbolic expressions.
  • The key function in Matlab to create a symbolic representation of data is: syms
In [1]:
syms x;

In [2]:
syms a b c % Create multiple symbolic variables in one command

In [3]:
A = sym('a',[1,20]) % Create the variables a1, ..., a20
A =
[ a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20]

In [4]:
syms a b c x
f = a*x^2+b*x+c
f =
a*x^2 + b*x + c

In [5]:
subs(f,x,5) % Assign a value to x
ans =
25*a + 5*b + c

In [6]:
subs(f,[x a b c],[5 1 2 3]) % Assign a list of values to a, b, c and x
ans =

Symbolic Algebra

  • expand(S): Multiples out all the portions of the expression or equation
In [7]:
syms x
ans =
x^2 + 3*x - 18

factor(S): Factors the expression or equation

In [8]:
syms x
ans =
[ x - 1, x^2 + x + 1]

  • collect(S): Collects like terms
In [9]:
syms x
S = 2*(x+3)^2 + x^2 + 6*x + 9;
ans =
3*x^2 + 18*x + 27

  • simplify(S): Simplifies in accordance with MuPad's simplification rules
In [10]:
syms x
ans =

  • numden(S): Finds the numerator of an expression; this function is not valid for equations
In [11]:
syms x
ans =
x - 5

  • [num,den] = numden(S): Finds bot the numerator and the denominator of an expression
In [12]:
syms x
[num,den] = numden((x-5)/(x+5))
num =
x - 5
den =
x + 5

Solving Expressions and Equations (solve(S))

  • solve(S): Solves an expression with a single variable
In [13]:
syms x
ans =

  • solve(S): Solves an equation with a single variable
In [14]:
syms x
ans =

  • solve(S): Solves an equation whose solutions are complex numbers
In [15]:
syms x
ans =

  • solve(S): Solves an equation with more than one variable for x or the closest variable to x
In [16]:
syms x y
ans =
  (y - 2)^(1/2)
 -(y - 2)^(1/2)

  • solve(S,y): Solves an equation with more than one variable for a specified variable
In [17]:
syms x y
ans =

  • solve(S1,S2,S3): Solves a system of equations and presents the solutions as a structure array
In [18]:
syms x y z
one = 3*x+2*y-z==10;
two = -x+3*y+2*z==5;
three = x-y-z==-1;
ans = 

  struct with fields:

    x: [1×1 sym]
    y: [1×1 sym]
    z: [1×1 sym]

  • [A,B,C] = solve(S1,S2,S3): Solves a system of equations and assigns the solutions to user-defined variable names; displays the results alphabetically
In [19]:
syms x y z
one = 3*x+2*y-z==10;
two = -x+3*y+2*z==5;
three = x-y-z==-1;
[A,B,C] = solve(one,two,three)
A =
B =
C =

Symbolic Plotting

  • ezplot(f): Plots a symbolic expression, equation, or function $f$. By default, ezplot plots a univariate expression or function over the range $[-2\pi,2\pi]$ or over a subinterval of this range. If $f$ is an equation or function of two variables, the default range for both variables, the default range for both variables is $[-2\pi,2\pi]$ or over a subinterval of this range.
In [20]:
syms x y

  • ezplot(f,[min,max]): plots $f$ over the specified range. If $f$ is a univariate expression or function, then $[min,max]$ specifies the range for that variable along the abscissa. If $f$ is an equation or function of two variables, then $[min,max]$ specifies the range for both variables along both the abscissa and the ordinate.
In [21]:
syms x

In [22]:

  • ezplot(f,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]): Plots $f$ over the specified ranges along the abscissa and the ordinate.
In [23]:
syms x

Symbolic Differentiation

  • diff(f): Returns the derivative of the expression $f$ with respect to the default independent variable.
In [24]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =

  • diff(f,'t'): Returns the derivative of the expression $f$ with respect to the variable $t$.
In [25]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =

  • diff(f,n): Returns the $n$th derivative of the expression $f$ with respect to the default independent variable.
In [26]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =

  • diff(f,'t',n) : Returns the $n$th derivative of the expression $f$ with respect to the variable $t$.
In [27]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =

Symbolic Integration

  • int(f): Returns the integral of the expression $f$ with respect to the default independent variable.
In [28]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =
x^4/4 + x*z^2

  • int(f,'t'): Returns the integral of the expression $f$ with respect to the variable $t$.
In [29]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =
x^3*z + z^3/3

  • int(f,a,b): Returns the integral of the expression $f$ with respect to the default independent variable, between the numeric bounds $a$ and $b$.
In [30]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =
z^2 + 65/4

  • int(f,'t',a,b): Returns the integral of the expression $f$ with respect to the variable $t$, between the numeric bounds $a$ and $b$.
In [31]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =
x^3 + 19/3

  • int(f,'t','a','b'): Returns the integral of the expression $f$ with respect to the variable $t$, between the symbolic bounds $a$ and $b$.
In [32]:
syms x z
y = x^3+z^2;
ans =
- a^3/3 - a*x^3 + b^3/3 + b*x^3

Converting Symbolic Expressions and Equations

  • g = matlabFunction(f): Converts $f$ to a MATLAB function with the handle $g$. $f$ can be a symbolic expression, function, or a vector of symbolic expressions or functions.
In [33]:
syms x y
s = sqrt(x^2+y^2);
g = matlabFunction(sin(s)/s)
g =

  function_handle with value:


In [34]:
syms x y
f(x,y) = sqrt(x^2+y^2);
g = matlabFunction(f)
g =

  function_handle with value:
